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Source code in nats_tools/
class AsyncNATSMonitor:
    def __init__(self, endpoint: str) -> None:
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self._client: t.Optional[httpx.AsyncClient] = None

    async def _request(self, endpoint: str, **params: t.Any) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        if self._client is None:
            self._client = httpx.AsyncClient(base_url=self.endpoint)
        response = await self._client.get(endpoint, params=params)
        return t.cast(t.Dict[str, t.Any], response.json())

    async def varz(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.

        return await self._request("/varz")

    async def jsz(
        acc: t.Optional[str] = None,
        accounts: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        streams: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        consumers: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        config: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        leader_only: bool = False,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

        For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

        NOTE: If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information
              from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.

            acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.
            accounts: include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.
            streams: include streams. When set, implies `accounts=True`. Default is False.
            consumers: include consumers. When set, implies `stream=True`. Default is False.
            config: when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.
            leader_only: only the leader responds. Default is False.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.

            results as a dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
            "leader-only": leader_only,
            "limit": limit,
            "offset": offset,
        if accounts:
            params["accounts"] = accounts
        if streams:
            params["streams"] = streams
        if consumers:
            params["consumers"] = consumers
        if config:
            params["config"] = config
        if acc:
            params["acc"] = acc
        return await self._request("/jsz", **params)

    async def connz(
        sort: t.Union[str, SortOption] = SortOption.CID,
        auth: bool = False,
        subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
        cid: t.Optional[int] = None,
        state: t.Union[str, StateOption] = StateOption.OPEN,
        mqtt_client: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

        It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.

            sort: sorts the results. Default is connection ID.
            auth: include username. Default is False.
            subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
            cid: return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.
            state: return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".
            mqtt_client: return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.

            results as a dictionary.
        if not isinstance(sort, SortOption):
            sort = SortOption(sort)
        if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
            subs = SubsOption(subs)
        if not isinstance(state, StateOption):
            state = StateOption(state)
        params = {
            "sort": sort.value,
            "auth": 1 if auth else 0,
            "subs": subs.value,
            "offset": offset,
            "limit": limit,
        if cid:
            params["cid"] = int(cid)
        if mqtt_client:
            params["mqtt_client"] = mqtt_client
        return await self._request("/connz", **params)

    async def accountz(self, acc: t.Optional[str] = None) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

        The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.

            acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set
                a list of all accounts is included.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
        if acc:
            params["acc"] = acc
        return await self._request("/accountz", **params)

    async def accstatz(self, unused: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.

            unused: include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.

            results as a dictionary.
        return await self._request("/accstatz", unused=unused)

    async def subsz(
        subs: bool = False,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
        test: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure.
        It is not normally used.

            subs: include subscriptions. Default is false.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
            test: test whether a subscription exists.

            results as a dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
            "subs": subs,
            "offset": offset,
            "limit": limit,
        if test:
            params["test"] = test
        return await self._request("/subsz", **params)

    async def routez(
        self, subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

        Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

            subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.

            results as a dictionary.
        if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
            subs = SubsOption(subs)
        return await self._request("/routez", subs=subs.value)

    async def leafz(self, subs: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.

            subs: include internal subscriptions. Default is False.

            results as dict
        return await self._request("/leafz", subs=subs)

    async def gatewayz(
        accs: bool = False,
        gw_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
        acc_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

        Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

            accs: include account information. Default is false.
            gw_name: return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.
            acc_name: limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.

            results as dict
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {"accs": bool(accs)}
        if gw_name:
            params["gw_name"] = gw_name
        if acc_name:
            params["acc_name"] = acc_name
        return await self._request("/gatewayz", **params)

    async def healthz(
        js_enabled: bool = False,
        js_server_only: bool = False,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.

            js_enabled: returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.
            js_server_only: skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.

            results as dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
        if js_enabled:
            params["js_enabled"] = 1
        if js_server_only:
            params["js_server_only"] = 1
        return await self._request("/healthz", **params)

    async def close(self) -> None:
        if self._client and not self._client.is_closed:
            await self._client.aclose()

    async def __aenter__(self) -> "AsyncNATSMonitor":
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        error_type: t.Optional[t.Type[BaseException]] = None,
        error: t.Optional[BaseException] = None,
        traceback: t.Optional[types.TracebackType] = None,
    ) -> None:
        await self.close()

accountz(acc=None) async

The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.


Name Type Description Default
acc t.Optional[str]

include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set a list of all accounts is included.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def accountz(self, acc: t.Optional[str] = None) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

    The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.

        acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set
            a list of all accounts is included.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    if acc:
        params["acc"] = acc
    return await self._request("/accountz", **params)

accstatz(unused=False) async

The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.


Name Type Description Default
unused bool

include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def accstatz(self, unused: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.

        unused: include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.

        results as a dictionary.
    return await self._request("/accstatz", unused=unused)

connz(sort=SortOption.CID, auth=False, subs=SubsOption.FALSE, offset=0, limit=1024, cid=None, state=StateOption.OPEN, mqtt_client=None) async

The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.


Name Type Description Default
sort t.Union[str, SortOption]

sorts the results. Default is connection ID.

auth bool

include username. Default is False.

subs t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption]

include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.

cid t.Optional[int]

return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.

state t.Union[str, StateOption]

return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".

mqtt_client t.Optional[str]

return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def connz(
    sort: t.Union[str, SortOption] = SortOption.CID,
    auth: bool = False,
    subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
    cid: t.Optional[int] = None,
    state: t.Union[str, StateOption] = StateOption.OPEN,
    mqtt_client: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

    It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.

        sort: sorts the results. Default is connection ID.
        auth: include username. Default is False.
        subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
        cid: return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.
        state: return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".
        mqtt_client: return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.

        results as a dictionary.
    if not isinstance(sort, SortOption):
        sort = SortOption(sort)
    if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
        subs = SubsOption(subs)
    if not isinstance(state, StateOption):
        state = StateOption(state)
    params = {
        "sort": sort.value,
        "auth": 1 if auth else 0,
        "subs": subs.value,
        "offset": offset,
        "limit": limit,
    if cid:
        params["cid"] = int(cid)
    if mqtt_client:
        params["mqtt_client"] = mqtt_client
    return await self._request("/connz", **params)

gatewayz(accs=False, gw_name=None, acc_name=None) async

The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.


Name Type Description Default
accs bool

include account information. Default is false.

gw_name t.Optional[str]

return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.

acc_name t.Optional[str]

limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dict

Source code in nats_tools/
async def gatewayz(
    accs: bool = False,
    gw_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    acc_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

    Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

        accs: include account information. Default is false.
        gw_name: return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.
        acc_name: limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.

        results as dict
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {"accs": bool(accs)}
    if gw_name:
        params["gw_name"] = gw_name
    if acc_name:
        params["acc_name"] = acc_name
    return await self._request("/gatewayz", **params)

healthz(js_enabled=False, js_server_only=False) async

The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.


Name Type Description Default
js_enabled bool

returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.

js_server_only bool

skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def healthz(
    js_enabled: bool = False,
    js_server_only: bool = False,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.

        js_enabled: returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.
        js_server_only: skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.

        results as dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    if js_enabled:
        params["js_enabled"] = 1
    if js_server_only:
        params["js_server_only"] = 1
    return await self._request("/healthz", **params)

jsz(acc=None, accounts=None, streams=None, consumers=None, config=None, leader_only=False, offset=0, limit=1024) async

The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information

from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.


Name Type Description Default
acc t.Optional[str]

include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.

accounts t.Optional[bool]

include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.

streams t.Optional[bool]

include streams. When set, implies accounts=True. Default is False.

consumers t.Optional[bool]

include consumers. When set, implies stream=True. Default is False.

config t.Optional[bool]

when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.

leader_only bool

only the leader responds. Default is False.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def jsz(
    acc: t.Optional[str] = None,
    accounts: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    streams: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    consumers: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    config: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    leader_only: bool = False,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

    For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

    NOTE: If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information
          from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.

        acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.
        accounts: include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.
        streams: include streams. When set, implies `accounts=True`. Default is False.
        consumers: include consumers. When set, implies `stream=True`. Default is False.
        config: when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.
        leader_only: only the leader responds. Default is False.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.

        results as a dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        "leader-only": leader_only,
        "limit": limit,
        "offset": offset,
    if accounts:
        params["accounts"] = accounts
    if streams:
        params["streams"] = streams
    if consumers:
        params["consumers"] = consumers
    if config:
        params["config"] = config
    if acc:
        params["acc"] = acc
    return await self._request("/jsz", **params)

leafz(subs=False) async

The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.


Name Type Description Default
subs bool

include internal subscriptions. Default is False.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dict

Source code in nats_tools/
async def leafz(self, subs: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.

        subs: include internal subscriptions. Default is False.

        results as dict
    return await self._request("/leafz", subs=subs)

routez(subs=SubsOption.FALSE) async

The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.


Name Type Description Default
subs t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption]

include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def routez(
    self, subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

    Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

        subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.

        results as a dictionary.
    if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
        subs = SubsOption(subs)
    return await self._request("/routez", subs=subs.value)

subsz(subs=False, offset=0, limit=1024, test=None) async

The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure. It is not normally used.


Name Type Description Default
subs bool

include subscriptions. Default is false.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.

test t.Optional[str]

test whether a subscription exists.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
async def subsz(
    subs: bool = False,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
    test: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure.
    It is not normally used.

        subs: include subscriptions. Default is false.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
        test: test whether a subscription exists.

        results as a dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        "subs": subs,
        "offset": offset,
        "limit": limit,
    if test:
        params["test"] = test
    return await self._request("/subsz", **params)

varz() async

The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.


Source code in nats_tools/
async def varz(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.

    return await self._request("/varz")


Source code in nats_tools/
class NATSMonitor:
    def __init__(self, endpoint: str) -> None:
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self._client: t.Optional[httpx.Client] = None

    def _request(self, endpoint: str, **params: t.Any) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        if self._client is None:
            self._client = httpx.Client(base_url=self.endpoint)
        response = self._client.get(endpoint, params=params)
        return t.cast(t.Dict[str, t.Any], response.json())

    def varz(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.

        return self._request("/varz")

    def jsz(
        acc: t.Optional[str] = None,
        accounts: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        streams: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        consumers: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        config: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        leader_only: bool = False,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

        For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

        NOTE: If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information
              from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.

            acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.
            accounts: include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.
            streams: include streams. When set, implies `accounts=True`. Default is False.
            consumers: include consumers. When set, implies `stream=True`. Default is False.
            config: when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.
            leader_only: only the leader responds. Default is False.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.

            results as a dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
            "leader-only": leader_only,
            "limit": limit,
            "offset": offset,
        if accounts:
            params["accounts"] = accounts
        if streams:
            params["streams"] = streams
        if consumers:
            params["consumers"] = consumers
        if config:
            params["config"] = config
        if acc:
            params["acc"] = acc
        return self._request("/jsz", **params)

    def connz(
        sort: t.Union[str, SortOption] = SortOption.CID,
        auth: bool = False,
        subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
        cid: t.Optional[int] = None,
        state: t.Union[str, StateOption] = StateOption.OPEN,
        mqtt_client: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

        It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.

            sort: sorts the results. Default is connection ID.
            auth: include username. Default is False.
            subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
            cid: return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.
            state: return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".
            mqtt_client: return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.

            results as a dictionary.
        if not isinstance(sort, SortOption):
            sort = SortOption(sort)
        if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
            subs = SubsOption(subs)
        if not isinstance(state, StateOption):
            state = StateOption(state)
        params = {
            "sort": sort.value,
            "auth": 1 if auth else 0,
            "subs": subs.value,
            "offset": offset,
            "limit": limit,
        if cid:
            params["cid"] = int(cid)
        if mqtt_client:
            params["mqtt_client"] = mqtt_client
        return self._request("/connz", **params)

    def accountz(self, acc: t.Optional[str] = None) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

        The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.

            acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set
                a list of all accounts is included.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
        if acc:
            params["acc"] = acc
        return self._request("/accountz", **params)

    def accstatz(self, unused: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.

            unused: include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.

            results as a dictionary.
        return self._request("/accstatz", unused=unused)

    def subsz(
        subs: bool = False,
        offset: int = 0,
        limit: int = 1024,
        test: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure.
        It is not normally used.

            subs: include subscriptions. Default is false.
            offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
            limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
            test: test whether a subscription exists.

            results as a dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
            "subs": subs,
            "offset": offset,
            "limit": limit,
        if test:
            params["test"] = test
        return self._request("/subsz", **params)

    def routez(
        self, subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

        Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

            subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.

            results as a dictionary.
        if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
            subs = SubsOption(subs)
        return self._request("/routez", subs=subs.value)

    def leafz(self, subs: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.

            subs: include internal subscriptions. Default is False.

            results as dict
        return self._request("/leafz", subs=subs)

    def gatewayz(
        accs: bool = False,
        gw_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
        acc_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

        Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

            accs: include account information. Default is false.
            gw_name: return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.
            acc_name: limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.

            results as dict
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {"accs": bool(accs)}
        if gw_name:
            params["gw_name"] = gw_name
        if acc_name:
            params["acc_name"] = acc_name
        return self._request("/gatewayz", **params)

    def healthz(
        js_enabled: bool = False,
        js_server_only: bool = False,
    ) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
        """The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.

            js_enabled: returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.
            js_server_only: skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.

            results as dictionary.
        params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
        if js_enabled:
            params["js_enabled"] = 1
        if js_server_only:
            params["js_server_only"] = 1
        return self._request("/healthz", **params)


The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.


Name Type Description Default
acc t.Optional[str]

include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set a list of all accounts is included.

Source code in nats_tools/
def accountz(self, acc: t.Optional[str] = None) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /accountz endpoint reports information on a server's active accounts.

    The default behavior is to return a list of all accounts known to the server.

        acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Default is empty. When not set
            a list of all accounts is included.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    if acc:
        params["acc"] = acc
    return self._request("/accountz", **params)


The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.


Name Type Description Default
unused bool

include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def accstatz(self, unused: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /accstatz endpoint reports per-account statistics such as the number of connections, messages/bytes in/out, etc.

        unused: include accounts that do not have any current connections when True. Default is False.

        results as a dictionary.
    return self._request("/accstatz", unused=unused)

connz(sort=SortOption.CID, auth=False, subs=SubsOption.FALSE, offset=0, limit=1024, cid=None, state=StateOption.OPEN, mqtt_client=None)

The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.


Name Type Description Default
sort t.Union[str, SortOption]

sorts the results. Default is connection ID.

auth bool

include username. Default is False.

subs t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption]

include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.

cid t.Optional[int]

return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.

state t.Union[str, StateOption]

return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".

mqtt_client t.Optional[str]

return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def connz(
    sort: t.Union[str, SortOption] = SortOption.CID,
    auth: bool = False,
    subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
    cid: t.Optional[int] = None,
    state: t.Union[str, StateOption] = StateOption.OPEN,
    mqtt_client: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /connz endpoint reports more detailed information on current and recently closed connections.

    It uses a paging mechanism which defaults to 1024 connections.

        sort: sorts the results. Default is connection ID.
        auth: include username. Default is False.
        subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more detailed subscription information is returned.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
        cid: return result for a single connection by its id. Omitted by default.
        state: return results for connections of particular state. Default is "open".
        mqtt_client: return results for connections with this MQTT client id. Omitted by default.

        results as a dictionary.
    if not isinstance(sort, SortOption):
        sort = SortOption(sort)
    if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
        subs = SubsOption(subs)
    if not isinstance(state, StateOption):
        state = StateOption(state)
    params = {
        "sort": sort.value,
        "auth": 1 if auth else 0,
        "subs": subs.value,
        "offset": offset,
        "limit": limit,
    if cid:
        params["cid"] = int(cid)
    if mqtt_client:
        params["mqtt_client"] = mqtt_client
    return self._request("/connz", **params)

gatewayz(accs=False, gw_name=None, acc_name=None)

The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.


Name Type Description Default
accs bool

include account information. Default is false.

gw_name t.Optional[str]

return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.

acc_name t.Optional[str]

limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dict

Source code in nats_tools/
def gatewayz(
    accs: bool = False,
    gw_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
    acc_name: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /gatewayz endpoint reports information about gateways used to create a NATS supercluster.

    Like routes, the number of gateways are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

        accs: include account information. Default is false.
        gw_name: return only remote gateways with this name. Omitted by default.
        acc_name: limit the list of accounts to this account name. Omitted by default.

        results as dict
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {"accs": bool(accs)}
    if gw_name:
        params["gw_name"] = gw_name
    if acc_name:
        params["acc_name"] = acc_name
    return self._request("/gatewayz", **params)

healthz(js_enabled=False, js_server_only=False)

The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.


Name Type Description Default
js_enabled bool

returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.

js_server_only bool

skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def healthz(
    js_enabled: bool = False,
    js_server_only: bool = False,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /healthz endpoint returns OK if the server is able to accept connections.

        js_enabled: returns an error if jetstream is disabled. Omitted by default.
        js_server_only: skip healthcheck of accounts, streams and consumers. Omitted by default.

        results as dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {}
    if js_enabled:
        params["js_enabled"] = 1
    if js_server_only:
        params["js_server_only"] = 1
    return self._request("/healthz", **params)

jsz(acc=None, accounts=None, streams=None, consumers=None, config=None, leader_only=False, offset=0, limit=1024)

The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information

from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.


Name Type Description Default
acc t.Optional[str]

include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.

accounts t.Optional[bool]

include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.

streams t.Optional[bool]

include streams. When set, implies accounts=True. Default is False.

consumers t.Optional[bool]

include consumers. When set, implies stream=True. Default is False.

config t.Optional[bool]

when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.

leader_only bool

only the leader responds. Default is False.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def jsz(
    acc: t.Optional[str] = None,
    accounts: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    streams: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    consumers: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    config: t.Optional[bool] = None,
    leader_only: bool = False,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /jsz endpoint reports more detailed information on JetStream.

    For accounts, it uses a paging mechanism that defaults to 1024 connections.

    NOTE: If you're in a clustered environment, it is recommended to retrieve the information
          from the stream's leader in order to get the most accurate and up-to-date data.

        acc: include metrics for the specified account only. Omitted by default.
        accounts: include account specific jetstream information. Default is False.
        streams: include streams. When set, implies `accounts=True`. Default is False.
        consumers: include consumers. When set, implies `stream=True`. Default is False.
        config: when stream or consumer are requested, include their respective configuration. Default is False.
        leader_only: only the leader responds. Default is False.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.

        results as a dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        "leader-only": leader_only,
        "limit": limit,
        "offset": offset,
    if accounts:
        params["accounts"] = accounts
    if streams:
        params["streams"] = streams
    if consumers:
        params["consumers"] = consumers
    if config:
        params["config"] = config
    if acc:
        params["acc"] = acc
    return self._request("/jsz", **params)


The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.


Name Type Description Default
subs bool

include internal subscriptions. Default is False.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as dict

Source code in nats_tools/
def leafz(self, subs: bool = False) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /leafz endpoint reports detailed information about the leaf node connections.

        subs: include internal subscriptions. Default is False.

        results as dict
    return self._request("/leafz", subs=subs)


The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.


Name Type Description Default
subs t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption]

include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def routez(
    self, subs: t.Union[bool, str, SubsOption] = SubsOption.FALSE
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /routez endpoint reports information on active routes for a cluster.

    Routes are expected to be low, so there is no paging mechanism with this endpoint.

        subs: include subscriptions. Default is False. When set to "detail", a list with more details subscription information is returned.

        results as a dictionary.
    if not isinstance(subs, SubsOption):
        subs = SubsOption(subs)
    return self._request("/routez", subs=subs.value)

subsz(subs=False, offset=0, limit=1024, test=None)

The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure. It is not normally used.


Name Type Description Default
subs bool

include subscriptions. Default is false.

offset int

pagination offset. Default is 0.

limit int

number of results to return. Default is 1024.

test t.Optional[str]

test whether a subscription exists.



Type Description
t.Dict[str, t.Any]

results as a dictionary.

Source code in nats_tools/
def subsz(
    subs: bool = False,
    offset: int = 0,
    limit: int = 1024,
    test: t.Optional[str] = None,
) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /subsz endpoint reports detailed information about the current subscriptions and the routing data structure.
    It is not normally used.

        subs: include subscriptions. Default is false.
        offset: pagination offset. Default is 0.
        limit: number of results to return. Default is 1024.
        test: test whether a subscription exists.

        results as a dictionary.
    params: t.Dict[str, t.Any] = {
        "subs": subs,
        "offset": offset,
        "limit": limit,
    if test:
        params["test"] = test
    return self._request("/subsz", **params)


The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.


Source code in nats_tools/
def varz(self) -> t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
    """The /varz endpoint returns general information about the server state and configuration.

    return self._request("/varz")